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Facilities Services

Montana State University
PO Box 172760
Bozeman, MT 59717-2760

Tel: 406 994-2001
Fax: 406 994-6572
Location: Rm 203 Physical Plant


Jeff Butler
    Email Jeff Butler

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Heating and Cooling Guidelines

Facilities Services fully understands the relationship between building internal temperature variation as it relates to occupant comfort and productivity. With these criteria in mind, the following guidelines have been developed to assist in the understanding of our goals for providing an optimal working environment.

Heating Guidelines

During the heating season from October through April, the goal is to maintain a space temperature above 66 degrees F in campus buildings.

Cooling Guidelines

During the cooling season from May through September, the goal is to maintain a space temperature above below 78 degrees F in campus buildings.

Seasonal Changes

Due to the large variability in the local climate and the variety of buildings and building HVAC systems, it is difficult to predict when building switchover will occur and when the building heating system will be turned off or on. When determining the shutdown or startup of the building heating system for buildings that this procedure applies to, Facilities Services considers recent weather patterns, the buildings usage the building's HVAC system, and the systems controls. Since temperatures in the fall and spring can be extremely variable, even the best HVAC systems may have a difficult time responding to the changes in weather. As a result, a building's internal temperature may have large temperature swings, as much as 15 degrees or more, on a temporary basis during large changes in weather and outdoor air.


Special considerations for temperature sensitive research or animals will be evaluated individually upon notification of Work Control.


A majority of buildings have designated occupied/unoccupied hours. In order to save energy, the building temperature will change from the normal operating set points of occupied mode. Temperatures during unoccupied periods will be approximately 62ºF during the heating season and 82ºF during the cooling season. It is highly recommended to be prepared with appropriate clothing and have extra layers available if possible.

If the general guidelines and the data specific to your building are insufficient, please contact your building supervisor or Work Control Center .

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