Do you have constructive ideas for how we might improve our services? We'd like to know what you think.

Facilities IT

Montana State University
PO Box 172760
Bozeman, MT 59717-2760

Tel: 406 994-2001
Fax: 406 994-6572
Location: Rm 108 Plew Building

Budget / IT Manager:

Patti Yasbek
    Email Patti Yasbek

Plew Building

IT Resources for Facilities Employees

Resource URL
Facilities IT Backup Information What We Back Up
Off-Campus Secure VPN Access VPN Installation Instructions
Work at Home Software License Agreement Microsoft Office 2010 or 2013
Free Software for Facilities Staff McAfee AV (Only Accessible from MSU)
MSU Accounts, IDs, & Passwords MSU Password Portal
Phone User Guides Manuals
Verizon Discounts for MSU Employees How to Get Discounts
Student IT Resources Student ITCenter