University Facilities Planning Board
Role and Scope
Section 1: Membership & Protocol

The Board is comprised of members appointed by the President from various campus constituencies and a set of ex officio members. All members of the Board have voting and proxy rights.
Appointed Members
The following members are appointed by the President, from nominees submitted by the respective organizations, to three-(3) year terms, with no limit on the number of terms:
- Chair Person
- Four (4) Faculty Senate Representatives
- One (1) Staff Senate Representative
- One (1) Professional Council representative
- One (1) At-Large Representative (nominated at the discretion of the UFPB, appointed by the President, and serves at the pleasure of the Board. May have a current or former relationship with MSU, or may be from the community at large).
Ex Officio Members
The following university officials are members of the Board and may choose to designate a regular representative to attend in their stead and exercise voting rights. The ex officio member may choose to attend any meeting in place of their designee, and may exercise their own voting right. However, each member shall have only one regular vote. Therefore, if an ex officio member chooses to designate another member as their regular representative, the person so designated shall exercise only the vote of the designator.
- Director - Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction (Vice-Chair)
- Provost
- VP for Administration and Finance
- VP for Research, Creativity and Technology Transfer
- VP for Student Affairs
- Dean of College of Agriculture/Director of Agricultural Experiment Station
- Executive Director Office of Planning and Analysis
- Director of Auxiliary Services
- Manager - Parking Services
- Director - Facilities Services
- Director of Disabled Student Services
- President of Associated Students of MSU
Constituent Mix
It is intended that the Board be comprised of representatives from a broad range of campus constituents. However, due to the nature of the Board's responsibilities, it is specifically desired that at least one of the positions (in addition to the Director - Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction) always be filled by an architect from within the School of Architecture.
- Quorum: A Quorum of the Board shall consist of any eight (8) members, including officially sanctioned proxies. This number was derived under the assumption that the VPAF, VP Student Affairs and the Provost usually designate a regular member to represent their interests and the At-Large position may not always be filled - this leaves 16 regularly attending individuals, half of which constitute a quorum.
- Proxy: Any member may issue a proxy to the Board. Proxies must be written (email, memorandum, etc) and delivered prior to any meeting/vote. A proxy may be issued specific to a single issue/vote or may name any person deemed appropriate by the regular member to represent the regular member for an entire meeting, i.e., the member may designate another regular Board member or any non-member as they deem appropriate.
- Participation: The active participation of each UFPB member is crucial to the conscientious execution of the Board's duties. While regular attendance is important, the active participation requirement may be met through the use of authorized proxies and timely communication with the UFPB Chair and/or Secretary. Instances of inadequate participation will be evaluated by the the UFPB Executive Committeee and reported to the Board. The Board reserves the right to replace members (through the regular appointment process) who do not adequately participate in the activities of the Board. Issues of inadequate participation by an ex officio member will be referred to the ex officio's supervisor for resolution.
Active participation is defined as not more than two (2) unexcused absences in any 12-month period. Absences are effectively excused if the member exercises proxy in accordance with this role and scope document or notifies the Chair or Vice-Chair of the absence prior to the meeting. Summer absences by members with less than full-year contracts are excused absences. An accumulation of overall absences greater than half the meetings in any 12-month period constitutes inadequate participation, which will be cause for evaluation.
Section 2: Function
The University Facilities Planning Board serves in an advisory capacity to the President and will develop, recommend, and maintain policies related to the development and utilization of campus facilities and grounds.
All University committees whose primary function relates to the role of this Board shall be formed by and report to this Board. All proposals generated by individuals, groups, or committees, which relate to the role of the Board, shall be reviewed by the Board, for recommendation to the President.
Duties of the Board
- Coordinate the development and review of the Campus Design Guidelines.
- Review and participate in establishing priorities for the MSU Long Range Building Program.
- Review and recommend action on the development of new building programs and the siting of all new buildings and structures.
- Review and recommend action on all remodeling requests that necessitate changes in physical configuration of space in major public areas.
- Review and recommend action on all proposed changes to the campus grounds, including pedestrian, vehicular, parking, lighting, and signage systems.
- Provide conceptual architectural review of projects to assure consistency with overall campus development.
- Review and recommend action, as may be necessary from time to time, relating to any issues that may affect public spaces or the exterior campus environment.
Section 3: Committees
The following committees are constituted by and report to the Board.
Americans with Disabilities Act Facilities Advisory Committee
Classroom Committee
Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee
Public Art Committee
Technical Antenna Committee
UFPB Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee is comprised of the UFPB Chair, the Director - Facilities Operations & Maintenance, the Director - Facilities Planning, Design & Construction and the VP Administration & Finance (or designee). The Executive Committee acts on the Board‘s behalf regarding any item that the Chair may determine must be acted upon before the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Chair shall report any actions taken by the Executive Committee to the UFPB at the succeeding UFPB meeting.
Other Ad Hoc Committees
Committees that may be formed from time to time to study specific issues, such as lighting, signage, or any other issues related to the purview of the Board or as directed by the President.
Section 4: Exceptions
The Board does not review the following items:
- Space allocation issues, which are the purview of the University Space Management Committee.
- Buildings and grounds maintenance items.
- Interior remodeling or renovation except those in major public spaces.
- The placement of furnishings and equipment in a space when that equipment is not fixed or does not require space modification.
- Minor modifications, such as the addition of electrical outlets or the hanging of bookshelves, are not reviewed by the UFPB but must be accomplished through the appropriate Facilities Services Department.
- Traffic and parking regulations or appeals to enforce actions.