Montana State University > University Services > Committees > University Facilities Planning Board

Do you have constructive ideas for how we might improve our services? We'd like to know what you think.

Campus Planning,
Design & Construction

Montana State University
PO Box 172760
Bozeman, MT 59717-2760

Tel: 406 994-5413
Fax: 406 994-5665
Location: Rm 113, Plew


Walter Banziger
    Email Walter Banziger

Associate University Planner:

Victoria Drummond
    Email Victoria Drummond

Americans with Disabilities Act Facilities Advisory Committee ByLaws


Name Entity Represented Affiliation Term Ends
York, Brenda Chair/ Ex Officio Director-DSS --- Perm.
Banziger, Walter Ex Officio Director Facilities Planning Design & Const. --- Perm.
Blunck, Kurt Ex Officio Parking Manager --- Perm.
Brown, Tammie Ex Officio Chief Housing Officer --- Perm.
Butler, Jeff Ex Officio Director Facilities Services --- Perm.
Creighton, Andrew W. Ex Officio Student ---  
Everts, Michael* Ex Officio Architecture Faculty --- Perm.
Stephens, Randy Ex Officio University Architect --- Perm.
Stump, Tom Ex Officio Director Auxiliary Services --- Perm.
Taylor, Leslie Ex Officio Legal Counsel --- Perm.

*Architecture Faculty appointed by Dean of Arts & Architecture


Clerical/Support services provided by Facilities Planning.

The ADA Facilities Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB) and will advise UFPB on the Universitys compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to facilities, parking and signage.

The committee will:

  1. Review, revise (as necessary) and maintain the Montana State Universitys ADA Transition Plan;
  2. Make recommendations for barrier removal priorities;
  3. Discuss, monitor, and evaluate campus-specific issues relating to compliance with the ADA related to facilities, parking, and signage.
  4. Advise UFPB regarding ADA and ADAAG compliance related to construction, renovation, and other projects coming before UFPB for approval.

Member Responsibilities

Committee members are selected on the basis of one or more of the following: a) the Specific responsibilities related to their position (ex officio); b) their particular expertise, knowledge or interest relating to the responsibilities of the committee and/or the campus in general; or, c) to represent the interests of a particular constituent group.

In recognition of the importance of MSUs commitment to Shared Governance, MSUs dynamic participative governance processes actively solicit input, advice and perspective from all campus constituencies to inform the institutions administrative leadership regarding campus issues, policies, procedures that impact the direction of the institution. Therefore, in addition to the active participation in committee activities by each member, the responsibilities of committee members who represent a constituent group, and particularly those who represent an MSU governance body (e.g., Faculty Senate, Professional Council, Staff Senate, ASMSU), include regular, timely reports to their governance body and dissemination of appropriate and relevant information to their constituents, as well as reciprocal solicitation of constituent group input regarding issues before for the Committee.



Membership Voting and Quorum:

The committee is comprised of members that represent the campus constituency. All members are ex officio and vote. Official committee activities requires a quorum of 4 of the 9 members, including proxies.

Ex Officio Members: Ex Officio members of the Board may choose to designate a regular representative to attend and exercise voting rights in their stead. The ex officio member may choose to attend any meeting in place of their regular designee, and may exercise their own voting right. However, each member shall have only one regular vote. Therefore, if an ex officio member chooses to designate another member as their regular representative, the person so designated shall exercise only the vote of the designator.


Semi-annual to UFPB