PAC Bylaws
Name | Entity Represented | Affiliation | Status | Term | Ends |
Vacant | Campus Planning | CDPC | Co-Chair | Ex Officio | NA |
James Thull | UFPB | Library | Co-Chair | Appointed | 11/1/2017 |
Kregg Aytes | UFPB Chair | Dean, College of Business & Entrepreneurship | Member | Ex Officio | NA |
Vacant | Staff Senate | Staff | Member | Appointed | |
Jeremy Hatch | Faculty - Arts | Ceramics | Member | Appointed | 11/22/2017 |
Tate Chamberlin |
Community At Large | Local Artist | Member | Appointed | 7/1/2017 |
Josh DeWeese | Faculty - Arts | Ceramics | Member | Appointed | 7/1/2017 |
Scott Killian | ASMSU | ASMSU Senate | Member | Appointed | 7/1/2017 |
Celia O'Connor | Alumni | MSU Alumni | Member | Appointed | 6/1/2017 |
Vacant | Faculty Senate | Faculty | Member | Appointed |
The Public Art Committee (PAC) is a standing committee of the University Facilities Planning Board and the activities of the Committee include:
- Evaluate proposals for permanent placement in public areas of the campus.
- Participate in search and selection of candidates for the committee.
- Support, advocate, and promote public art on campus with campus and community constituents.
- Review and recommend policy related to public art display on campus.
Please see the PAC Procedures.
Member Responsibilities
PAC members are selected on the basis of one or more of the following: a) the Specific responsibilities related to their position (ex officio); b) their particular expertise, knowledge or interest relating to the responsibilities of the committee and/or the campus in general; or, c) to represent the interests of a particular constituent group.
In recognition of the importance of MSUs commitment to Shared Governance, MSUs dynamic participative governance processes actively solicit input, advice and perspective from all campus constituencies to inform the institutions administrative leadership regarding campus issues, policies, procedures that impact the direction of the institution. Therefore, in addition to the active participation in committee activities by each member, the responsibilities of committee members who represent a constituent group, and particularly those who represent an MSU governance body (e.g., Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, ASMSU), include regular, timely reports to their governance body and dissemination of appropriate and relevant information to their constituents, as well as reciprocal solicitation of constituent group input regarding issues before for the PAC.
The PAC meets the Second Friday of each month, at 10:00am in the Facilities Meeting Quonset.
Membership and Quorum:
PAC membership is 9 voting members. The committee is comprised of members that represent the campus constituency and the greater community. Official PAC activities require a simple majority of membership quorum, including proxies.
Campus Constituents: By majority vote, the UFPB appoints voting members from the respective campus organizations and community, to serve a three year term, with no limit on the number of terms. The membership consists of:
- UFPB Chair Ex Officio (1)
- ASMSU Ex Officio (1)
- Community at large (1)
- Arts and Architecture Faculty (2)
- Faculty (1)
- Staff Senate (1)
- UFPB member (1)
- Alumni (1)
- Campus Planning/CPDC Ex Officio (1)
Ex Officio Members: The Ex Officio members may choose to designate a regular representative to attend in their stead and exercise voting rights; however, the Ex Officio member may choose to attend any meeting in place of their designee, and may exercise their voting right. Each member shall have only one regular vote (i.e. by either Ex Officio or their designee).
Length of Term
Appointed members serve a three-year term, with no limit to the
number of terms.
Ex Officio members serve while also
serving in the designated position.
Vetting and Appointment Process:
Candidates are reviewed and approved by a majority vote of the UFPB during a regularly scheduled UFPB meeting.
Committee Co-Chair
PAC has a joint or Co-Chair structure. Co-Chairs are committee members elected by the PAC to serve a three-year term as Co-Chair, with no limit to the number of terms. Co-Chairs share responsibility of coordinating meeting management and reports to UFPB.
Advisory To
University Facilities Planning Board
Required Reports
PAC submits an annual report of activity for the UFPB, others as requested. Co-Chair coordinates report management with staff support.